Frequently Asked Questions

“The way to maintain one’s connection to the wild is to ask yourself what it is that you want. This is the sorting of the seed from the dirt. One of the most important discriminations we can make in this matter is the difference between things that beckon to us and things that call from our souls.” - Clarissa Pinkola Estés

  • Why focus on the body and movement for healing?

    Sometimes our head says one thing while our body knows another. Instead of continuously getting caught in a spiral of thoughts or prescriptive “shoulds,” practicing developmental and relational body-based awareness and practices allows one to slowly become more aware of their unique bodily rhythms, gut instincts and deeper hungers. Exploring a combination of nervous system psycho-education (how physiology and psychology merge) and trauma-informed relational practices paves the way for body-mind integration, healthier relationships, and a more deeply nourished life.

  • What does the Mother/Mothering reference mean?

    When “Mother” is referenced here, we are inviting the “mothering quality of oxytocin,” which plays a major role in signaling safety within our Social Engagement system functioning as related to nervous system science. Therefore, those who identify as female, male, or non-binary may offer and embody that “Mother” quality.

  • Do you offer professional consultations for other helping professionals?

    Blending trauma-sensitive, polyvagal-informed, body-based practices with talk therapy is a hot topic in healing practices around the world and can be an intriguing path to process, learn and offer. While Caroline regularly offers CEs for psychotherapists, she and Nick also provide individual consultations for various organizations and other helpers. Feel free to reach out to us for more information, and stay tuned at Chi for Two®’s Trainings for Professionals page for upcoming professional trainings and embodiment coaching opportunities.

  • Do you take insurance?

    M-Bodied® services are self-pay. We cannot guarantee coverage by insurance companies. M-Bodied Coaching does offer a number of sliding scale options to help recognize a range of income levels. Please contact us for fee and scheduling information.

  • Are M-Bodied® sessions available online and in-person?

    M-Bodied sessions are available virtually worldwide (Eastern Standard Timezone) or in-person in Atlanta, GA, USA.

  • Do you incorporate any of the following? Somatic Experiencing, DBT, EMDR, PBSP, IFS

    M-Bodied® Coaching is based upon Chi for Two®, a multigenerational trauma healing method. When people wonder how M-Bodied or Chi for Two might compare to other healing methods, the following link explores the similarities and differences: